Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I know, I am shamefully overdue for a post.  I've been exclusive with facebook for a while.  Maybe you should get an account?! :) hint, hint, Suzanne!  Maybe I will give a summary of what I've been doing for the last 3 years... like having a fourth child.  But for now, this post is about something that's on my mind.  I've been wanting to possibly do something rather extreme, for me anyway.  I have been thinking about how, in our society, we have been gradually getting more & more wasteful!  We get rid of something that we don't like anymore, or is starting to wear in the knees, a little hole here or we're tired of it.  It's not convenient for us, it's not perfect, we're tired of it, don't like the style anymore.  We buy the packages that are large, but are individually packaged in an of themselves because it's more convenient than taking a few moments to buy bulk, then put it into a reusable container for lunches.  It's so wasteful!  What about "a stitch in time saves 9", or "Use it up, wear it out, make do or do without."?  People used to sew holes in their socks or patch their pants.  Now, the mentality is, "I need a new_____."
"What if I don't buy anything for a whole year?" I thought...and I have been thinking of it ever since.